
Attack on Malala Yousafzai strengthens resolve of schoolgirls

       Taliban are mistaken if they think
       they can scare girls away from
       school, students say.

Demoralised Pakistani militants seek soft targets

          School vans and students are targets
          for defeated militants who can’t 
          stand up to troops, analysts say.

Pakistani business community condemns ongoing violence

PESHAWAR – Violence is not the only way to show anger, businessmen, scholars and analysts say, contending that peaceful means of protest exist.  

“Burning down public and government properties will only exacerbate the tense situation,” Abdur Rauf, vice president of the Peshawar Cantonment Traders Association, said, referring to the protests against the film “Innocence of Muslims” that swept across Pakistan September 21. “We should adopt a non-violent way to protest any issue.”