28 Nov 2012

Peshawar police officer among 6 killed in Qissa Khawani suicide blast

Peshawar police officer among 6 killed in Qissa Khawani suicide blast



Attack described

The attack rocked the area, witnesses said. “I was going to work when I heard a huge blast, but when I turned around saw a huge (column of) smoke,” a wounded survivor, Sarmad, told Central Asia Online. “Then I fell unconscious and woke up at the hospital.”
Others described the widespread devastation.
“I was going to the local courts (for personal legal business) and had come to the Khyber Bazaar to meet a friend when I saw this white pick-up and a man running toward it,” recalled another injured survivor, Farman Shah. “There was a huge explosion, after which I don’t know what happened; it was dark all around after the deafening blast.”

Murder condemned

Senior KP Minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour denounced the murders, terming the attack gruesome and cowardly.
“This attack shows it’s nobody else’s war but our own war,” he said. “We should continue fighting it until it is won.”
“It was meant to achieve nothing but to terrorise the people of Peshawar,” he said. “They could not do it, as you can see a lot of people standing on the spot and helping the injured along with the government agencies.”